
Edge of the Water Women’s Retreat

#2 Newsletter for 2024


Journey with a Prayer Pal

Written by Lisa

What exactly is a prayer pal?  Well let me start by sharing how it all started. We were driving home from retreat in 2022. One of our friends shared how a woman from retreat had been praying for her for the entire year. She didn’t even know this, and she talked about how it really affected her. It got us thinking and talking, what if you did know a person was praying for you?  Better yet, what if you were praying for each other for the whole year. This launched our Prayer Pal idea. 

The committee put the names of those who wanted a Prayer Pal upside down on the table and just picked up 2 at a time.  I originally said, “I don’t want I don’t want somebody that I already know to be my pal – I want to meet somebody new.  But God had a different plan for me.  He gave me somebody that I knew superficially, but over this last year, I’ve been able to know her better.  It went from a superficial level of knowing her to a deeper relationship.  I originally met her through a friend, so she was not necessarily my friend.  She was someone I was acquainted with, that I was friendly with.   During this year we’ve talked on the phone, we’ve gone to breakfast, and we’ve prayed.  I have prayed for her every day. I have prayed for things that are happening in her life that I would not have known were happening because we didn’t have a friendship like that before.  In the past, I would see her at retreat and other events with our group but, I did not call her or text her or speak to her on Facebook.   We have gone from a superficial acquaintance to a friendship based on our love for Christ. 

This year we’re sad that many women did not sign up to have a Prayer Pal. Maybe you didn’t understand what it was all about.  Many of you are first-time attendees. Maybe you feel you’re not consistent enough with prayer to be a Prayer Pal.  Let me encourage you that this might be the year that God wants you to step out. There’s a lady who may really need you to pray once a week once a month if not every day.  Maybe she’s not in your general vicinity to meet with, but with the technology we have today it’s easy to reach out and be able to call, text, or social media to stay in contact.  You can even FaceTime.  Don’t let distance stop you from this opportunity.  

So, as you read this you think, but I didn’t sign up this year, it is not too late. All you have to do is send an e-mail to: and let us know you didn’t put it on your registration, but you changed your mind and you want to take advantage of this opportunity.  

 Below is your Newsletter that is everything retreat! Get excited!


  • Success! So we are doing it again! Do you have Christian books that you have read and don’t know what to do with? This year for the first time we are having a  Book S.W.A.P. ( Share. Wisdom. Advanced the Pursuit Of God) – this is a Book Bring and Take – similar to the little free libraries. You know all those wonderful books that have inspired you in life but now are taking too much space in your home? Why not bring it for a sister in Christ to read?
  • Don’t forget your Love Offering for our speaker. This is how they are paid for their time here.  The love offering is a gift of Thankfulness .  We feel blessed to have such a wonderful speaker this year. 
  • New Policies for refunds and registering online- Cancelation policy full refunds until September 1 2024. 50% refund until October 1 2024. No refunds will be available October 1st 2024 however you may transfer your registration to someone else if you are not able to attend.
  • Please like and Follow our Facebook: Edge of the Water Women’s Retreat and Instagram pages as well as our speakers Youtube and Facebook accounts: this year Debbie Warren.

Volunteers make it possible for a smooth and wonderful retreat for every one. One small job for one is One Amazing Retreat for ALL.

  • Greeters 
  • Setup help on Friday and Teardown for Sunday
  • Snack Room Maintenance and Monitor (this is to check in every now and then during the weekend on our snack room:1921 to help keep it clean and organized)

If you are able to help please email or contact one of the committee members (you know that friend of yours that’s always asking you to help on the retreat)

What to Bring!

  • uncheckedClothing – casual and comfortable. Note dressing in layers is helpful
  • uncheckedwater bottle/coffee tumbler
  • uncheckedbible, notebook, pen
  • uncheckedextra towel (those provided are small)
  • uncheckedtoiletries
  • uncheckedwalking shoes
  • uncheckedpillow if you need a certain firmness
  • uncheckedsnack to share
  • uncheckedlove offering and money for raffle

Art Raffle!

In response to one of our survey forms – this year’s raffle will consist of our artwork.  It is bigger and better than ever with photographs on canvas and mixed media

Our raffle will be for artwork that our committee members and friends have designed. You don’t want to miss this amazing raffle. Tickets will be available for $1 each or 6 for $5.The tickets will be sold for cash only. These will be available at the retreat so bring cash. All the money earned from this raffle will be given to retreat so we can continue to bring you a wonderful God inspired inexpensive retreat. 


Edge of the Water Women’s Retreat is an official nonprofit organization with 501c3 status.  If you are looking to make an end of the year donation for tax purposes we ask that you prayerfully consider our retreat.  It is our desire to provide a high quality retreat for women that is affordable.  You can make a check to Edge of the Water Women’s Retreat and bring it with you – or a cash donation.  We ask you not to take this from your love offering for the speaker. We need your help to keep the cost down for women everywhere no matter what background.

2024 Streams

Old Women’s Creek Exploration: Come for one stream or two. The staff has opened the visitor’s center just for us. . This stream can be one or two sessions. The 1st one is a program taught by the naturalist. 2nd is free roam to discover for yourself what makes this place a treasure. Tons of things to discover from scavenger hunts with friends to learning more about God’s creatures to sitting at the window on wildlife

Homesteading the preservation thing: Cost is $3. Not only will you learn how to preserve food by dehydration and freeze drying. You will leave with your own herb mix!

Needlecraft Niche: bring your project that you have been working on or one that you want to start. Talk and share. Women who want to learn can join in the fun

Rest in Peace stream: pillows are located in your room 😀 (you can also bring your favorite from home). Feel Free to walk the shore of lake Eerie or sit by the water. Kay is again over seeing this stream. She calls herself an expert on resting!

Painting:  Cost is $3 for supplies. You will leave with a masterpiece of a Sunflower. A guided step by step on a 6×6 canvas from Lisa.  Payment is to offset the cost of supplies

Bridge with Judy: This year we have a Professional Bridge player who traveled the U.S. competing to teach our ladies. Learn this awesome game by someone who knows. Come and have an Stream of laughter and fun.

Card making-Homemade cards are a gift in their own right.   Chris will teach you how to make homemade cards and each lady will leave with 1-2 cards. Chris will teach you techniques to embellish your cards with stamps, cutouts, and stickers. 

Shopping- Great shopping is available in Vermilion and Sundusky. Have a great time with friends and hunt down a treasure to take home.

Women Bring Forth the SNACKS!

Edge of the Water Women’s Retreat is inviting you to a table of deliciousness! The Tradition Continues! Late night games, food, chocolate, laughter, giggles, chips, cookies, and candy. Women Bring your Snacks! Bring snacks to share. Buy, Bake, or create treats that you want to share with others.  This tradition has been a long running delight to every lady at retreat! Let this year be a year to remember with good food, women, games, and fun!

Early fill out forms for faster check in!

Click on the words below to see the link that will take you to the forms for you to print.


If you have any worries or questions feel free to send us an email. 🤔

#1 Newsletter for 2024


Stop and Smell the Roses Retreat is Coming

A new year is here! A new retreat is coming! 

Last year was so incredible and God showed up in an amazing way. 

You might be asking how it could be better this year? 

Well do we have surprises for you!

Does hearing the birds sing again creates a desire in you to move? Does seeing the grass and flowers poking up makes you want to be young again and frolic in meadows, go full on Sound of Music, or Disney princess with birds and all.  Sadly life doesn’t give us much time for frolicing or living out our desires. Seasons come and go and the ride seems to never stop. Or does it? How many times have I said “God stop the ride let me off! I promise I will get back on again but I need a break!” Can we truly stop the ride? Can we get off the roller coaster? Yes!! Because anything is possible with God. This year’s retreat is :Be still…God is in Control.

 Below is your Newsletter that is everything retreat! Get excited!

2024 has New Streams

Old Women’s Creek Exploration: Come for one stream or two. The staff has opened the visitor’s center just for us. . This stream can be one or two sessions. The 1st one is a program taught by the naturalist. 2nd is free roam to discover for yourself what makes this place a treasure. Tons of things to discover from scavenger hunts with friends to learning more about God’s creatures to sitting at the window on wildlife

Homesteading food preservation: Cost is $3. Not only will you learn how to preserve food by dehydration and freeze drying. You will leave with your own herb mix!

Needlecraft Niche: bring your project that you have been working on or one that you want to start. Talk and share. Women who want to learn can join in the fun

Rest in Peace stream: pillows are located in your room 😀 (you can also bring your favorite from home). Feel Free to walk the shore of lake Eerie or sit by the water. Kay is again over seeing this stream. She calls herself an expert on resting!

Still life Painting:  Cost is $3 for supplies. You will leave with a masterpiece of a Sunflower. A guided step by step on a 6×6 canvas from Lisa.  Payment is to offset the cost of supplies

Bridge with Judy: This year we have a Professional Bridge player who traveled the U.S. competing to teach our ladies. Learn this awesome game by someone who knows. Come and have an Stream of laughter and fun.

Card making: Homemade cards are a gift in their own right.   Chris will teach you how to make homemade cards and each lady will leave with 1-2 cards. Chris will teach you techniques to embellish your cards with stamps, cutouts, and stickers. 

Shopping: Great shopping is available in Vermilion and Sundusky. Have a great time with friends and hunt down a treasure to take home.


  • Success! So we are doing it again! Do you have Christian books that you have read and don’t know what to do with? This year for the first time we are having a  Book S.W.A.P. ( Share. Wisdom. Advanced the Pursuit Of God) – this is a Book Bring and Take – similar to the little free libraries. You know all those wonderful books that have inspired you in life but now are taking too much space in your home? Why not bring it for a sister in Christ to read?
  • Don’t forget your Love Offering for our speaker. This is how they are paid for their time here.  The love offering is a gift of Thankfulness .  We feel blessed to have such a wonderful speaker this year. 
  • New Policies for refunds and registering online- Cancelation policy full refunds until September 1 2024. 50% refund until October 1 2024. No refunds will be available October 1st 2024 however you may transfer your registration to someone else if you are not able to attend.
  • Please like and Follow our Facebook: Edge of the Water Women’s Retreat and Instagram pages as well as our speakers Youtube and Facebook accounts: this year Debbie Warren.

Volunteers Needed!

Volunteers make it possible for a smooth and wonderful retreat for every one. One small job for one is One Amazing Retreat for ALL.

  • Shuttle Drivers (shuttle the women who have limited mobility from lodge to cafeteria. etc.)
  • Stream helpers
  • Setup help on Friday and Teardown for Sunday
  • Snack Room Maintenance and Monitor (this is to check in every now and then during the weekend on our snack room:1921 to help keep it clean and organized)

If you are able to help please email or contact one of the committee members (you know that friend of yours that’s always asking you to help on the retreat)

Art Raffle!

In response to one of our survey forms – this year’s raffle will consist of our artwork.  It is bigger and better than ever with photographs on canvas and mixed media

Our raffle will be for artwork that our committee members and friends have designed. You don’t want to miss this amazing raffle. Tickets will be available for $1 each or 12 for $10. These will be available at the retreat so bring cash. All the money earned from this raffle will be given to retreat so we can continue to bring you a wonderful God inspired inexpensive retreat. 


Edge of the Water Women’s Retreat is an official nonprofit organization with 501c3 status.  If you are looking to make an end of the year donation for tax purposes we ask that you prayerfully consider our retreat.  It is our desire to provide a high quality retreat for women that is affordable.  You can make a check to Edge of the Water Women’s Retreat and bring it with you – or a cash donation.  We ask you not to take this from your love offering for the speaker. We need your help to keep the cost down for women everywhere no matter what background.

Saved Alone

A short devotion by Gloria Reynolds 

Saved Alone The words, “Saved Alone,” were what started the letter my wife sent to me. Before this, my business burned down. My son died. I had nothing left. All the money I had saved and had invested to prepare for my family’s future was gone. The fire wasn’t the only thing that happened later on. I lost even more with the economy the way it was going. I decided we needed a family vacation, but because of business and trying to pick up the pieces I sent my wife and my beautiful daughters ahead without me. On the way to their destination. a horrific storm happened and all four of my daughters were killed. My wife barely made it. A telegraph that I had received from my wife to explain what had happened started with the words, “Saved Alone.” As I traveled to go see her I passed by the location where my four daughters had died suddenly and violently. And I was inspired by a power, much greater than me, that gave me the idea to put pen to paper and write these words. It is well with My soul. (Horatio Spafford.) 

Perhaps we cannot always say that everything is well in all aspects of our lives. There will always be storms to face. Sometimes there will be tragedies, but with faith in a loving God and with trust in His divine help, we can confidently say, “It is well, it is well with my soul.” Life can be so unpredictable — joys and sorrows, beautiful blessings and distressing difficulties can come unexpectedly. Our life’s dreams and plans can change in an instant. We all know this to be true. So, how can we find peace amid such turbulence? The answer to this — only God. Knowing Him, loving Him, and trusting Him is the only way we can keep moving forward. That wonderful kids’ song, “He’s got The whole world in his hands,” shows us the power that He holds. Sometimes it’s hard. Sometimes we doubt. Sometimes we are human. But the truth remains that all things work together for His glory. So when life throws you curveballs and things are not going your way, when depression, anxiety, stress, anger, sorrow, heartache, and all those feelings overwhelm you, when you are in a storm trying to hold on, think of the words Horatio’s wife wrote to him, “Saved Alone. Remember, it is well. God has you in his hands. When the oceans roar and the ground under your feet shifts, reach for the hand of Jesus and trust in the power of our God. The message of this Holy Spirit-inspired song is focused on how life can be unpredictable and challenging, but faith and trust in God can help us to overcome hardship and tragedy. 

And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, shall guard your heart and your mind set on Christ Jesus (Philippians 4:7). 

History of Horatio Spafford

Horatio G. Spafford was a successful lawyer and businessman in Chicago with a lovely family, wife, Anna, and five children. However, they were no strangers to tears and tragedy. Their young son died with pneumonia in 1871, and in that same year, much of their business was lost in the Great Chicago Fire. Yet, God, in His mercy and kindness, allowed the business to flourish once more.

 On November 21, 1873, the French ocean liner, Ville du Havre, was crossing the Atlantic from the U.S. to Europe with 313 passengers on board. Among the passengers were Mrs. Spafford and their four daughters. Although Mr. Spafford had planned to go with his family, he found it necessary to stay in Chicago to help solve an unexpected business problem. He told his wife he would join her and their children in Europe a few days later. His plan was to take another ship. About four days into the crossing of the Atlantic, the Ville du Harve collided with a powerful, iron-hulled Scottish ship, the Loch Earn during a storm. Suddenly, all of those on board were in grave danger. Anna hurriedly brought her four children to the deck. She knelt there with Annie, Margaret Lee, Bessie, and Tanetta and prayed that God would spare them if that could be His will, or to make them willing to endure whatever awaited them. Within approximately 12 minutes, the Ville du Harve slipped beneath the dark waters of the Atlantic, carrying with it 226 of the passengers including the four Spafford children. 

A sailor, rowing a small boat over the spot where the ship went down, spotted a woman floating on a piece of the wreckage. It was Anna, still alive. He pulled her into the boat ,and they were picked up by another large vessel which, nine days later, landed them in Cardiff, Wales. From there she wired her husband a telegraph message which began, “Saved alone, what shall I do?” 

Mr. Spafford later framed the telegram and placed it in his office. Another of the ship’s survivors, Pastor Weiss, later recalled Anna saying, “God gave me four daughters. Now they have been taken from me. Someday I will understand why.” Mr. Spafford booked passage on the next available ship and left to join his grieving wife. With the ship about four days out, the captain called Spafford to his cabin and told him they were over the place where his children went down. According to Bertha Spafford Vester, a daughter born after the tragedy, Spafford wrote, “It Is Well With My Soul” while on this journey.

 Later music was added to these Holy Spirit-inspired words by Phillip Bliss in 1876. Anna gave birth to three more children, one of which died at age four from dreaded pneumonia. In August 1881, the Spaffords moved to Jerusalem. Mr. Spafford died and is buried there.

Early fill out forms for faster check in!

Click on the words below to see the link that will take you to the forms for you to print.


If you have any worries or questions feel free to send us an email. 🤔